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Notice of Public Hearing: Ty Wadsworth Land Use and Zoning Map Amendment Requests

Posted on March 20, 2025, on the Utah Public Notice Website Draper City Website and at Draper City Hall, 1020 E. Pioneer Road, Draper, UT

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Ty Wadsworth Land Use and Zoning Map Amendment Requests

Notice is hereby given that Draper City will hold a public hearing before the City Council to consider the above listed request.  The property is located at approximately 2020 E. Pioneer Road.  The purpose of the request is to amend the land use designation from Residential Hillside Low Density to Residential Low/Medium Density and the amend the zoning from A5 (Agricultural) to RA2 (Residential Agricultural, 20,000 square foot lot minimum).

The hearing will be held at Draper City Hall in the City Council Chambers on April 1, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.  The complete notice is posted on the Utah Public Notice Website;, Draper City Website;, and at Draper City Hall.

To request a copy of the public notice or for additional inquiries contact Jennifer Jastremsky at (801) 576-6328 or

Attest:  Nicole Smedley, CMC, City Recorder

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