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SWPPP Application

A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is Required for Construction Projects that Meet Specific Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Construction Stormwater Permit Eligibility Conditions.

A well-designed and properly implemented SWPPP helps prevent or reduce pollution from stormwater runoff, protecting stormwater quality and minimizing environmental impacts.

Determine Whether Your Project Meets Eligibility Conditions for the Common Plan Permit or General Construction Permit

Refer to the flow chart to help determine appropriate UPDES construction stormwater permit coverage. A SWPPP must include elements of the project’s applicable stormwater permit and be completed and submitted to Draper City Staff for review and approval. SWPPP application packages for each permit are provided below for your reference. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at (801) 576-6331.

Contact Us

SWPPP Permitting
(801) 576-6331

1020 E. Pioneer Rd.

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