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Utility Services
Draper City provides water, storm water, and garbage/recycling services. Depending where you live in Draper, your water service may either be provided by the City or by WaterPro. Please enter your address in the Utility Services App to determine your water provider.
Connect - Sign Up
In the Draper City Municipal Code, Section 16-1-05, the owner of the property is required to apply for water service, not the renter. Sign up for utility services through the city:
- Utilities Agreement - Owner Residential — The owner of a home or business is required to fill out this application.
- Utilities Agreement - Renter — The renter of property may enter your information to have a courtesy copy of the bill sent to you.
- Utilities Agreement - Owner Commercial — Fill out this form if you own a business in Draper and you are the owner and legally on the property title.
Draper City Equal Payment Plan
The Equal Payment Plan is a voluntary option for residents. In this plan, your monthly equal payment amount is calculated using your yearly usage from the previous billing year and divided equally over 12 months. To be eligible for the Equal Payment Plan you must be the property owner and have occupied your home for 12 months beginning January 1st of the prior year and have no late or missed payments within the period. Rental properties are not eligible for the Equal Payment Plan.
Draper City must receive this form before 5:00 PM on January 20 to participate in the Equal Payment Plan for the year that just began in January. Enrollment forms will only be reviewed each year between December 20 and January 20. Forms received outside of this window will be reviewed during the next period.
Disconnect Service
Military Abatement Agreement
Draper City has implemented a program to assist families residing in Draper, when the head of the household (husband or wife) is on active military duty in a designated combat zone. The city would like to help you with your water, garbage and storm water utility. Please complete the Military Utility Abatement Form and hand-deliver it to the Draper City Finance Department, along with a copy of the individual’s military orders. You will not be billed for applicable Draper City utilities. This program applies only to residential Draper City water users, and does not apply to Water Pro customers or customers of any other water provider.