Planning and Development
The Planning and Zoning Division is responsible for applying the City’s ordinances and regulations to subdivisions, commercial site plans, conditional use permits, and other similar application types. Additionally, we are responsible for processing applications for zone changes, variances, special exceptions, land use map changes, and development agreements.
Business with the Draper City Planning Division is conducted via an online portal. Click on the Planning Services Portal button below for more information.
Use the Zoning Questions or Concerns button to submit a form to a planning staff member who will follow up with you.
Zoning codes are how local governments regulate land use. Local governments receive the authority to establish and adopt zoning codes by the state zoning enabling act to manage how land is developed and used to protect public health, safety, and welfare.
Draper City's current Zoning and Subdivision Code has provided the foundation for development activity in the City since its last comprehensive update in 2001. Since that time the population size of our City has more than doubled. It has become increasingly necessary to amend provisions in the code that have become diminished in appropriateness, applicability, or clarity.

Planning Commission and City Council Meetings
The Planning Commission typically meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM.
The City Council typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month. The business meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
Meeting schedules and start times are subject to change. Visit our Agendas & Minutes page for meeting information and live audio streams.